

Our Foundation Provides comprehensive educational resources for prevention, awareness in individuals with or at risk of kidney disease.

New Mexico Kidney Foundation is a non profit organization dedicated to kidney disease prevention by enhancing awareness, and improving the quality of life of people with or at risk of kidney disease through education, research and philanthropic projects.


1. Community Education-School, senior centers, community organizations, disadvantaged communities. 2. Education in Native American Communities. 3. Health Care Provider’s education. 4. Patients with Kidney disease education


Research that evaluates impact of foundation projects in kidney disease in the state of NM. Developing IT applications that can be used to improve health literacy in renal disease in the community

Assistance / Philanthropic programs

Support to patients on dialysis to achieve specific goals through strategic partnership with local dialysis support. Help to individual patients that need assistance with pre-kidney transplant work up (for example- dental work up, weight loss)

Core Values

At New Mexico Kidney Foundation, we value our clients and constituencies and we are committed to:
  • Compassion
  • Innovation
  • Strategic Partnership
  • Constant Improvement
  • Empathy
  • Transparency
  • Service and Being eco-friendly
what people say

“It was great to have the Kidney Team come to our school and present the importance of the kidney. So much emphasis is out on heart health (which is important), but did you know that the kidney is just as important? It was nice that I was able to share my kidney transplant story with my students in the context of this presentation.”

Jessica Shepherd

During the time of the presentation, my son had a friend that was in the hospital because he suffers from Nephrotic Syndrome. Because of the presentation my son was able to see the importance of kidneys and why his friend was in the hospital. It was so informative and my son enjoyed it!

Alexis Fisher

My granddaughter, who is 7, really enjoyed the question segment where everyone could shout out the answer if they knew it….She was excited to tell her mother that she got to talk to a real doctor! Thanks so much for your time!

Tracy Foster

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